ReVive Boutique
This is Women Helping Women’s primary place for receiving donated goods, now located at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center, across from Lenscrafters.
Our Volunteers Are Amazing!!!
Revive Resale Boutique relies on our Amazing volunteers to make the magic of bringing donations to life on the Resale shelf transpire on a daily basis. We are truly blessed with an amazingly dedicated team of folks who share the vision and donate their time and effort. Many thanks to all current and former volunteers. We appreciate you !
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the fun as a volunteer please feel free to give us a call… 495-0067 …flexible schedule, minimal commitment, all ages, skills and level of abilities encouraged.
For current days and hours of operation, please call us at 808-495-0067 or visit Revive Boutique’s Facebook Page at
ReVive Boutique is no ordinary thrift store. It is a concept boutique, owned and operated by Women Helping Women, offering used and gently used fashionable items at thrift store prices.
Thankfully, many donations are made to Women Helping Women for the women and children in need at the emergency shelter. Most times when women are forced to flee violent household situations they leave with the children and nothing in hand. At the shelter women can choose through closets to find the things they need. Items that are not used by the women are then passed through the Boutique for sale. The proceeds of the sale items at ReVive Boutique will in turn support the programs, needs, and services provided by Women Helping Women – it becomes a circle of life.
ReVive Boutique also strives to be a Vocational Training Program for women. Many women need to re-enter the work field after finding themselves left to their own devises due to failed violent relationships. The boutique will offer opportunity to train women in retail sales, customer service, stock and inventory, merchandising and marketing. The mission of ReVive is to support Women Helping Women, and in turn, support each other through its growth and progress.
Revive Boutique is now located at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center (275 West Kaahumanu Avenue in Kahului), across from LensCrafters.