Transitions Program
The Transitions Program has been providing a broad range of services and support to homeless, formerly battered women and their children since 1999. The purpose of the program is to help women obtain and retain permanent housing and to achieve self-sufficiency as they move from homelessness, emergency shelter or other temporary housing into long-term residential stability.
The Transitions Program provides case management, intake, needs assessment, advocacy, educational and support programs and referrals. A significant and vital component of the program has been rental assistance. Many of the women in this program are homeless because of domestic violence.
Contact: (808) 446-7348
The mission of Women Helping Women is to end domestic violence through advocacy, education and prevention; and to offer safety, support and empowerment to women and children, victims of domestic violence. We have several funding sources that support the Transitions Program and, depending on eligibility, can provide assistance with housing assistance which includes security deposit, rental assistance and utilities; case management, needs assessment, safety planning, advocacy and referrals, life planning, skill development, limited financial assistance to participants for education, childcare and healthcare to women and children transitioning to permanent housing, car repair, gas vouchers and bus passes.
1) Victim / Survivor of Domestic Violence
2) Homeless or at-risk of homelessness
3) Committed to leaving their abusive relationship
4) Meets income guidelines as required by the supporting grant
5) Committed to making changes in their lives
“Thank you for all the support, Mahalo. I could not do it without Women Helping Women.”
1. To make great efforts or attempts; strive; labor
2. To make one’s way with difficulty;
Do you yearn for a life without any struggle-? ~~ A perfect social life, all the money you need, sailing through the hardest classes with barely any effort? Not likely, although it may seem that some people do live that life. But such an existence does not prepare you for the real world. The real world is filled with struggles and it is from them that you gain strength and learn lessons.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress” – Frederick Douglasss
“Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling, enduring, and accomplishing.” – George Sheehan
“Need and struggle are what excite and inspire us.” – William James